Tulips are such beautiful flowers, and there is no shortage of them in Amsterdam!
Before you visit Amsterdam, here are some interesting facts about tulips.
● Vincent Van Gogh had an extraordinary fascination with nature, but believe it or not, he never painted a single tulip in his life.
● Back in the 17th century, a tulip mania took place in the Netherlands. Some species of these tulips were so expensive they costed more than a house, and it's impressive to have tulips in your home. It's like a parked Ferrari in your garage today.
● Every year, there are around 2 billion tulips exported from the Netherlands.
● Each year, you can come to Dam Square and pick one of 200,000 colorful tulips in a specially constructed garden. This happens every third Saturday of January to celebrate the launch of the Tulip season.
● Tulips come in pretty much all colors of the rainbow except blue. Blue tulips are made real by Photoshop.
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