Take A Road Trip Around Costa Rica

If you are planning on driving in Costa Rica, you should be aware that many roads in Costa Rica are in poor condition, however, the natural attractions and amazing landscapes throughout the country, are worth the 'rough' ride. Many of the visitors that opt for a self drive vacation keep coming back for this type of experience that gives them a deeper flavor of the country by having more interaction with the locals. When you get to Costa Rica you will be able to remain in the country with your car for up to 3 months. If you'd like to stay in Costa Rica after 90 days, you may renew your visa and pay steep import duties or leave the country to another nearby country such as Panama or Nicaragua for at least 72 hours before coming back into Costa Rica.

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You haven't lived unless you've had at least one road trip in a tropical country. Costa Rica is home to the most picturesque scenery and vibrant culture. Go beyond typical tourism by renting a car and hitting the road to explore the many sights of Costa Rica. We give you some Costa Rican road trip suggestions.

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San José to La Fortuna

 If you're arriving in San José and taking a trip to La Fortuna, you'll find that the drive is smooth and easy despite its curvy road. This trip ensures views of the beautiful national parks and stunning exotic wildlife. The Arenal Volcano is a popular tourist attraction. It is one of the world's top active volcanoes and erupts once a day. Getting a glimpse of red-hot lava and columns of ash is an invaluable experience. After a long day of taking in the country's beauty, rest at the Arenal Observatory Lodge or grab a bite at the Lava Lounge Bar and Grill.


Monteverde to Playa Grande

Although the journey from Monteverde to Playa Grande is bumpy and steep, with roads being riddled with potholes, gorgeous beaches and visits from the majestic sea turtles are a sweet treat to many. Playa Grande is home to the Leatherback Sea Turtles. They lay eggs and build nests between October and March, and between April and September, the eggs hatch, and thousands of baby turtles hobble their way into the ocean. To witness this beautiful scene and get up close and personal with these sea creatures, arrange a tour at Las Balulas National Park. Stay at the charming Hotel Las Tortugas, where you can take in views of the sunset from your room.

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Tamarindo to Santa Teresa

While the drive from Tamarindo to Santa Teresa is not the smoothest, you are rewarded with breathtaking landscapes. Take a break from sightseeing and stop at one of the sopas (small restaurants) and indulge in authentic Costa Rican cuisine, from empanadas to patacones (deep-fried, flattened plantains). Additionally, Santa Teresa is the perfect destination for both relaxation and leisure. Its idyllic white-sand beaches are great for laying down a mat doing yoga or grabbing a surfboard and catching a wave. Continue your relaxation at the laid-back Hotel Tropico Latino, where you can enjoy a full-service spa.

If you're ready to experience these unique road trips for yourself, click on the link below and we can get your travel experience started. Happy trailing!

Wanting to read a little more about Costa Rica and some more things you could do while vacationing there? Click on the link below for our amazing destination guide on Costa Rica!


Costa Rica