Kenya- a destination with plenty to do

The Republic of Kenya is located in East Africa and is home to 43.5 million people. Nairobi, the capital city, is also the largest city in the country. Kenya is named after Mt. Kenya, the tallest mountain in the country and second tallest in Africa. It is a vastly unique country, offering visitors a range of options, including bustling cities, beautiful beaches, wild safaris, and much more.

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The coast is tropical, while temperatures are temperate in the west and southwest, and the north and eastern regions are hot and dry. There is more rain in the coastal and southwestern areas.  You might consider visiting July through September, which is Kenya's dry season. These are also the best times to see wildlife, including the Great Wildebeest Migration.


Long after you have left Kenya, some things will stay with you forever. While in Kenya, visit pristine beaches, eat fresh seafood, and sail the Kenyan coast. You can also witness the spectacular wildebeest migration where two million wildebeests migrate in search of water and greener pastures. Go on a safari and see Kenya's Big Five, lion, buffalo, elephant, leopard, and rhino, in different national parks across the country. Regardless of what you choose to see, Kenya is most certainly a bucket list destination!

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There is a lot of discovering when you visit Kenya. Aside from being the number one destination for safaris, Kenya is also home to the world's second-largest freshwater lake, Lake Victoria. While tourism is arguably the country's most significant industry, the coffee industry in Kenya is actually just as important. If you are worried about a language barrier in Kenya, remember that the two official languages of the country are English and Swahili.


Mt. Kilimanjaro

Mt. Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in both Tanzania and Africa, is just as impressive as you would imagine. Also known for being the fourth-highest summit in the world, Kilimanjaro is considered the tallest freestanding mountain in the world, rising 15,100 ft. from base to summit. The mountain is characterized by picture-perfect forest trails that lead into rocky and moon-like landscapes before giving way to snowy glacial views. There are several trails for hikers attempting this climb, and the Machame, Lemosho, and Shira routes are the most popular and ranging from six to eight days. 

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Ready to start planning your adventure to Kenya? Click on the link below and I can help you plan your unforgettable trip.

Before you go on a Kenya safari, here's everything you need to know about the country to prepare for a fantastic visit.  Click on the link below for our Kenya Destination Guide.