Sweet Sensations of Venice

Italy is known for their delicious pasta and decadent desserts, and Venice is no exception. Cited as the home for many fan favorites, including the Bellini, Venice is a food lover's dream. After indulging in a plate of risotto al nero di seppia, be sure to save room for a delectable dessert! The following desserts are ones you must try!

Fruit Tart


A sweet treat to enjoy during hot Italian summers or year-round, gelato is a not a dessert you should miss. Venice has several wonderful gelaterias where visitors and locals can experience the delicious dessert. 


Overfilled with cream or raisins and candied orange peel, and dipped in sugar, these delectable doughnuts are the perfect mid-day treat.


This light yet rich dessert is an Italian classic. Made with espresso-soaked ladyfingers and layered with airy mascarpone creme, tiramisu is the perfect treat to reward yourself with at the end of your day.

Fruit Tart

Fruit Tart







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